Happy anniversary! Today it’s been 9 years since I signed on the dotted line and became a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator!  Who would have suspected that one step would change my life?

How I became a demonstrator

When I signed up as a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator, it was purely a financial decision.  In the six months prior I’d spent lots of money (way more than I care to admit in public) on Stampin’ Up! products.  As I was about to place another $500+ order my demonstrator, Kym kindly suggested that perhaps I’d like to save 20% on my future purchases and get a starter kit. At the time the starter kit had some set things you had to purchases.  It wasn’t as great as it is now. Of course, I wanted to save money so I jumped at the chance!

I have no intention of ever having a party or teaching a class.  I certainly never suspected that it would become my career.

Why I continue to be a demonstrator?

It’s really about love!

Being able to create something beautiful which makes someone I care about feel loved and appreciated, is truly rewarding. For me, helping someone create that amazing project for a special occasion is the best feeling in the entire world. After all, creating cards, scrapbook pages, and gift items is about more than just stamps, paper and ink—it’s sharing a part of yourself with the people you love.

Being a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator provides me an opportunity to be a creative coach, passing my creative knowledge and offering different ideas and encouragement to my customers, many of whom are great friends is rewarding in so many ways. I’m touched that they keep coming to my classes and they care so much for each other.  I’ve watched some remarkable friendships form between people who seem “unlikely friends”. It’s very special.  Those afternoons where we get together to create as incredibly special.

When I share creative ideas, I lose my fear of public speaking. I become more self-confident. The relationships that I have developed over something as simple as rubber stamps, paper, and ink add depth and richness to my life. This is why I established The Creative Eclectic in 2017 so that I can share my eclectic stamping style with you.

I really believe in Stampin’ Up!’s Statement of the Heart:

“To love what we do, and share what we love, as we help others enjoy creativity and worthwhile accomplishments…in this we make a difference!”

In other words, the many little seemingly insignificant things that we do for others make a difference not only in their lives but our own too.

Let’s celebrate

Join me this Saturday 30 June 2018 from 2pm for my combined 9th Anniversary and Annual Catalogue Launch Party.  It’s going to be a great #crafternoon… there will be giveaways,gifts,  things to make and lots to eat! Bookings are essential (You don’t want to miss out on food and your party bag) Head over to the Facebook Event Page to book now.


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