Good to see you back for week 4 of the 12 weeks of Christmas Colour Challenge!

Today, Steve and I are traveling along the Blueridge Parkway, North Carolina (USA) heading to Black Mountain and Nashville.  It’s considerably cooler here than the weather in Australia right now. The expected top temperature is 17 degrees and don’t even talk to me about the low temperature – I’m in denial as I don’t want it to get that cold.  It’s slightly warmer than the top of 10 degrees we experienced in New York City last week!

During our travels over the past few weeks we visited the quaint little rural town called Jericho (Vermont).  This little town was home to Wilson A. Bentley (1865-1931). You might think “so what?”

Have you ever heard the saying, “no two snowflakes are alike“?

Well this discovery was made by Bentley in Jericho in 1885.

A self educated farmer, Bentley attracted world attention with his extensive pioneering photomicrography work with snow crystals (commonly known as snowflakes). By adapting a microscope to a bellows camera, and after years of trial and error, he became the first person to photograph a single snow crystal. He captured more than 5000 snowflake images during his lifetime never finding two the same.

The Bentley snowflakes are the inspiration for today’s 12 weeks of Christmas colour challenge.

Bentley Snowflakes are the Inspiration for week 4 of our 12 weeks of Christmas Colour Challenge #12weekschristmascolour #takethechallenge

Love the stunning contrast of the white crystal on black.

My mind is filled with images of elegant creations based on this snowflake, none of which actually include snowflakes.

So you’ve seen the inspiration, now for the colours:

12 Weeks of Christmas Colour – Week 4

#12weeksOfChristmasColour #TheCreativeEclectic #TakeTheChallenge

That’s right, this week’s colour challenge is only two colours – black and white! This timeless combination can also be lots of fun! There are also lots of techniques you can try that feature black & white like chalkboard techniques, white embossing on black, black embossing on white, embossing resist and the list goes on!

What are you waiting for?  I’m anxious to see your projects! Be sure to share your creation on social media or your blog. Use the hashtags #12weeksOfChristmasColour #TheCreativeEclectic #TakeTheChallenge and put a link to your post in the comments below – you could win a prize at the conclusion of the 12 weeks!

Miss a previous 12 weeks of Christmas colour combination? Simply search this blog for #12weeksofChristmasColour or click here

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